

10 October 2009

Scientific Facts on AIDS

6.2 Recommendation #2: Sustain and increase financing

Although the overall spending on AIDS has increased greatly, the money available today may be just one-third of what will be required to deal with the growing epidemic in a few years’ time.

National governments and international donors should give significantly more money for AIDS through the Global Fund and other mechanisms. Governments, especially in middle-income countries, should continue efforts to provide an important part of the money spent in their nation from their national budgets. The money raised must be used as efficiently and effectively as possible so that it works for people in need, by coordinating national efforts around one agreed AIDS action framework, one national coordinating authority and one agreed country-level monitoring and evaluation system.

Innovative approaches, such as new international financing mechanisms, are needed to ensure that money for AIDS will be available in the future for a much stronger response to the epidemic

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