

10 October 2009

Scientific Facts on Aspartame

7.3 How can human resources and systems be strengthened?

The shortage of skilled workers in many developing countries leads to poor surveillance, planning and administration; bottlenecks in the distribution of funds; failures in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities; and inadequate provision of services.

Eliminating these obstacles will require:

* rapid recruitment and training of additional health-care workers and improving incentives that encourage them to work in their own countries instead of migrating to industrialized countries,
* increasing public financing for training in countries facing severe human resource shortages,
* encouraging the provision of HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support by locals where not enough trained health professionals are available,
* better integration of AIDS services into other primary health care programmes (such as programmes addressing mother and child health, sexual and reproductive health, and diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, malaria and sexually transmitted diseases).

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